viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Spanish: Travelling notebook (Cuaderno viajero)

Dear ponies, This First term, three of us were lucky to have our Pony in their homes and write in the Spanish travelling notebook (cuaderno viajero) the fun activities that they did with it. First, Adriano Mélinchon Castro, had our pony in his home, he wrote in our travelling notebook that he went to eat a hamburger with it and also decorated the notebook with his name. Second, Tyler Goodfellow, had our pony and went to an art gallery in which there they had fun together watching the pieces of art, she also decorated the notebook with her name. Third, Mashal Syed Bokhari, went to a friendship park with our pony and had fun together, she also decorated her name in our travelling notebook. The three students were very happy to have our pony for one weekend and I want to congratulated them because they took care of our pony and travelling notebook. In the second term, more students will travel with our pony and notebook. Remember to take care of our pony because it will travel to all ponies homes. I would like to share with you the photos of Adriano, Tyler and Mashal with our pony and the travelling notebook. With love. Miss Vanessa Arellano.

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