In Social Studies, we are learning about the means of transport. For that reason, I invite you to watch this video in which Mr. Dan shows us in a funny way all the means of transport he uses in his life.
This week we are having fun singing this nice song Where is the monkey? We are learning prepositions of place through this song. Remember to practice with your family and friends. You can make a monkey at home using cardboard and play with the song placing the monkey in differents parts of your house.
Have fun and enjoy this funny song we learnt in English lessons last week. Remember to practice the lyrics and your steps at home, you can show them to your parents or friends.
Comparto con ustedes este interesante video sobre los símbolos patrios de nuestro país. Como ustedes saben, son: la bandera, el escudo, el himno nacional y la escarapela. Asimismo, les recuerdo la importancia de las partes del escudo, que son la vicuña, el árbol de la quina y la cornucopia.
En las clases de Social Studies estamos aprendiendo sobre la flora y fauna de nuestro país. Por ello, comparto con ustedes este video para que puedan verlo en casa y reforzar lo aprendido.
Recuerden lo importante que es cuidar nuestro planeta y sobre todo nuestros animales y plantas que tenemos en nuestro país pues nos proporcionan recursos naturales.