jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

¡Feliz día de la canción criolla!

Queridos ponies,

Esta semana aprendimos mucho sobre el significado del día de la canción criolla. Elaboramos un rico anticucho, con sus papitas sancochadas y su rico choclo. Asimismo, aprendimos a tocar diversos instrumentos y a bailar festejo con ritmo y sabor.

Por último, nos dimos cuenta que también celebramos el Halloween de diversas maneras, entre ellas cantando, bailando y disfrazándonos para pedir dulces y caramelos.

Espero les guste nuestra foto grupal en el salón.

¡Feliz día de la canción Criolla! & Happy Halloween!

Miss Vanessa Arellano.

Story Puddles

Dear ponies,

This week we enjoyed the story Puddles in which dad had a terrible accident in the puddles.
It was very funny and we laughed a lot.

Remember that if you are going to play in the puddles, you should wear boots.

Miss Vanessa.

English song: “Jump”

Dear ponies,

This week in English classes we learned the song “Jump”, we had fun learning the song, colouring a big rainbow and doing the steps of the song.

I hope you can practice it at home too.

With love.

Miss Vanessa.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Alejo el cangrejo

Queridos ponies,

Esta semana, en las clases de Español, realizamos un lindo cangrejo llamado Alejo, él vino a visitarnos y a compartir con nosotros su historia, dónde vive, de qué se alimenta y qué le gusta hacer.

Asimismo, aprendimos un poema sobre él y realizamos una manualidad muy linda utilizando nuestros pies y manos en témpera roja, fue muy divertido!

Espero les guste la foto de Alejo, pronto volverá a visitarnos.

Con cariño.

Miss Vanessa.

Why do we have seasons?

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Story Time: “I See”

This week we enjoyed the story “I See”, we had fun learning about it and acting like the Robinson´s family characters. This time Kipper walked around his house and saw each member of his family.

Do you remember what Kipper saw?

Well done

Miss Vanessa

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Song of the week: In the garden

Dear Ponies:

In English classes we are learning the song “In the garden”. Through this song we are learning to describe some items of the garden. I’m sure you will enjoy it at home as much as you did it in the classroom.

Have fun singing with your friends and family!

Miss Vanessa

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Welcome Back!

Dear Ponies,

We are together again and ready to start our last term of the year. 

During these last months we are going to enjoy many activities and classes that all the teachers have prepared for you.

 I am sure we will spend more wonderful moments together!

With love,
Miss Vanessa

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Happy teacher´s day around the world!

Dear Ponies,

I would like to share with you this lovely video for you to see how important you are in our lives.

Each little step that you make in your life is the best rewarding for us.

With love.

Miss Vanessa.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Math: "The shapes song"

Dear ponies,

I would like to share with you the shapes song for you to practice and have fun singing and learning more about the shapes and amount of sizes that each one has.

It would be great if you can trace circles, triangles, squares and rectangles at home, using paint, clay, colours, markers, etc.

Have fun and enjoy!

Miss Vanessa.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

English song: Walking in the jungle

Dear ponies,

This week we are having fun learning this beautiful song, we danced and sang in class and played a great game searching the monkeys like tigers!

I would like to share this sing with you to practice at home with your friends and family.

Enjoy it!

Miss Vanessa.