jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Congratulations Bear cubs!

Dear Bearcubs,

I would like to share with you some photos of some special moments we shared together. Also, some photos of our friends who participated in many competitions this year.

I feel very proud of my Bear cubs, who demostrated their talent this year through different sports competition.

I wish you the best! Keep going!!

With love!

Miss Vanessa Arellano.

 Special Moments with Bear cubs on PhotoPeach

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Sports Week Bear cubs

Dear Bear cubs,
Congratulations!!! You did an amazing job during this Sports Week. All of you represented your houses with effort and enthusiasm.Although, you were from different houses like Phoenix, Minotour, Pegasus or Griffin you showed that the most important thing is "Friendship".
For that reason, I would like to share with you some photos of this Sport Week. Remember that all of you are winners.With love.
Miss Vanessa Arellano.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Connector "and"

Dear students,

This week we have learnt how to join two similar ideas using the connector and. For that reason, I would like to share with you some examples to practise at home.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Spring Festival Bear cubs

 Dear Bear cubs,

This third term we spent lovely moments together during the Spring Festival 2015.

All of you did an amazing job during the lessons and competitions. I know that you did your best and I feel very proud of you.

Congratulations to Nicoletta Patroni, who won the 2nd place during the English Poster competition for Grade 1.

She did a very creative poster using recycle and different materials that we have in the classroom. More over, her drawing was very nice, she draw her favourite part of the story "The Wobbly Tooth". Well done Nicoletta!

Congratulations to Bear cubs Kamishibai group, who won the 1st place for Grade 1.Well done Diego Huaytán, Daniela Paz, Luciana Salcines, Micaela Ríos, Nicoletta Patroni and Marcela Guzmán you did an amazing job.I feel very proud of you because you learnt how to work as a team and created a story in Spanish based in the Kamashibai technique.

More over, I would like to thank our Math winner Olaf Guerrero who did his best during the Math competition. Also, thank Micaela Ríos, our Spelling Bee winner who did a very good job during this English competition.

Finally, thank all my Bear cubs who participated very well during the Spring Festival.

I love you very much!

Ms. Vanessa Arellano.

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

Learning the alphabet

Dear students,

I share with you this lovely video of our Alphablocks friends in which you can learn about the alphabet sounds.

Remember to practise your alphabet everyday at home. You can spell each word and say the sound too.

Have fun and enjoy it!

Ms Vanessa.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

Bear cubs library winners

Congratulations to the students Micaela Ríos, María Gabriela Herrera, Sofía Cárdenas and Marcela Guzmán who were the library winners of Bear cubs.

They were reading a lot of books during these terms and we feel very proud of them.

In addition to this, I invite all my students to take an English or Spanish book to read at home.

Reading for pleasure is the best activity you can do in your free time because you will learn about different topics and more vocabulary.

Well done girls!

Ms. Vanessa Arellano.